Soooo, the Osaka auditions for Sasuke 31 happened on Saturday, making it an actual reality that's going to happen. I can only sum up our feelings on this tumblr style, if you'll allow me:
Well, if you - for some bizarre reason - don't obsessively stalk Sasuke people on Twitter to get the latest (badly translated) news, then I am here to keep you updated.
We got some tweets from the official
Sasuke_tbs account, WITH PICS. OMG. Have a look at this:
I really need to learn Japanese. I mean, this translation was at least coherent, but from the pics I kinda could've guessed what was going on anyway ... know what, Bing? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you just gave me the wrong translation. But you're not entirely wrong, because I guess we CAN see the muscle in the audition room.
If anyone who speaks Japanese reads this and can inform me what that tilted smiley face letter means, I'll be eternally grateful. And if someone wants to work fulltime as the Sasuke Hipster translator, we could probably pay you in gifs or something.
I, too, AM SUCH A FEELING AFTER SEEING THIS. I don't know what you do with those yellow bars, but after seeing this tweet from Inui Masato (the director of Sasuke) with a video, I'm gonna guess that you do push-ups while, um, staring at them. Oki, I guess they're place markers or something:
Hopefully you'll see the video when I post this, otherwise you can watch it at the source tweet. And YES, that means Mr Sasuke was there!! We're happy, because the last thing we heard was that he was banned from Sasuke forever, and that would've been sad. According to my sources (aka what I've read at the
Sasukemaniac forum, I don't have any sources ... yet) he wasn't there to audition for himself though (even though Bing translate certainly makes it sound that way), just cheering on his Black Tigers team-thingy. But that's nice of him!
Okay, yeah, this tweet from two minuets later definitely makes it sound more like he was just there for moral support, and did some push-ups just for fun. You know, AS YOU DO.
We don't know who were lucky enough to be interviewed in those chairs, but let's hope they did well.
Three hours (!?) later it was over. Don't worry though, we saw some other things worth noting that was posted by
Inui afterwards:
ASA!! Asa isn't on Twitter, and he doesn't seem to hang out much with those who are, so it was nice to see him. Also because I had personally become a bit worried he might've gone all domestic and decided to spend time with his girlfriend instead of doing Sasuke, but, eh, that might just be me being paranoid ...
Source: |
This was followed by a long discussion with Kanno that I didn't understand at all, because as I said BING TRANSLATE LEAVES A LOT TO WISH FOR. Google Translate is slightly better, but I mean, I don't have time to run every single tweet through that, I have a life, you know (lol no I don't).
This was followed by another tweet that is impossible to stand, but I like to think that "to the muscle" partis Inui personally addressing Kanno in this tweet. Probably not.
LUCKILY, there are more competent people than me around, and thanks to lostinube on the Sasukemaniacs board I now know that he is talking about the changes to the stages in Sasuke 31:
Makes sense! And that also means that they did NOT select my
Motherfucking Cliffhanger as one of the winners for the obstacle competition. So upsetting. :( I knew I should've submitted the Ring of Fire instead ...
I guess we'll have to wait to know exactly what these changes are going to be, buuuut apparently
people with better conncetions than me know for sure that the Swap Salmon Ladder is gone, but that the Backstream is staying:
Mmm, good. I mean, because the backstream is such a great measure of athletic abilities that truly captures the spirit of Sasuke and not at all because I like seeing everyone getting out of it all ... wet ...
Um, yeah, right. There are more auditions to come, and you can expect me to cover them as well. But, in the meantime, there are of course a lot of other things on the Ninja Warrior horizon ...