Friday, April 17, 2015

Ninja Warrior UK: ep 1 review

I can't call this a recap, because ... it won't be one. It's more like a review. We'll give you every single detail of Ninja Warrior SE that you could ask for, but with the UK version we're just here to give our useful and of course sought-after comments. Actually, no, this will just be me comparing it the Swedish version. ENJOY.

This won't be a long review because I am exhausted. I was exhausted before I started watching, but the show did not help. THERE'S SO MUCH GOING ON!? With 250 competitors over 5 episodes (I think - one heat is one episode, right?) I realize they have a lot to go through, but man, it never slowed down. We almost didn't get any backstory on the competitors, and the commentators were speaking so fast I missed most of what they were saying. But, um, it seemed to be fart jokes and similar stuff so maybe I didn't miss much?

Chriss refused to write this post because she said she'd be too negative (apparently she's in a bad mood ... on a Friday night!?), but really, it's not bad. I really like the course. It's creative, and the obstacles are harder than in NWSE, meaning we don't get to see more than half of the competitors clear the qualifying round. We saw 8 clears in this episode (or maybe it was only 7?), and 2 who'll make it to the semis by going the farthest, which gives us 50 people in the semis ... well, that's a lot more than in Sasuke, but it's 66 like in NWSE. Though in that one everyone had to clear the qualifying stage, so ... they both have their problems, I suppose.

And yeah, after being a bit too hard on the Swedish commentators I think we take it all back. Here are some quotes from one of the hosts, Ben Shephard:

"The stuff that's different is Kammy, me and Rochelle, and I suppose the tone of our show will be slightly different because it's a bit more British, so I think we can have a little bit more fun at the contestants' expense."
 "The Japanese show is very straightforward. It's very simple – it's scaffolding, there's no frills, the water that they fall in looks filthy, it's done outside, it's done in the rain, it's very cold. Ours is a lot more Saturday night... The Japanese one, it's about the test. Ours is a lot more about the entertainment of the show and the humour. The others are all done outside as well - this is the first one that's been done inside."
At first, reading these, I was like "the fuck are you on about? Sasuke is fun, that's kinda the appeal" (also: Sasuke one was held inside. It wasn't epic enough). The first stage is always a mix between hilarious failures and awesome wins ... but now that I've seen it, I see what he's going for. They want it to be fun. The commentators are supposed to make "funny" comments on the competotiors. We are supposed to be laughing a lot, while cheering. That's what they were going for ...'

...but even so, I don't like it. Despite our (mostly valid) complaints about Adam and Mårten, they tend to focus more on the fitness level of the competitors, while, sure, making a few jokes, but Mårten is there because he is a personal trainer, not because he is a comedian. I have no idea if the UK hosts are actual comedians or whatever, but that's at least what they are going for.

I'll watch the rest of the show. I am interested in seeing more obstacles, because there were some I hadn't seen before (and I will refer to some of them as the Dancing Penises because I am not mature person and will go there), and I really wanna see how Katie (the only girl to make it through during this first episode) does in the coming episodes.

She was also the only parkour person. Although they referred to it as free-running, which I guess means parkour in the UK. Anyway, Ninja Warrior UK has gotten us beat on that part: the lack of parkour dudes taking on the course was very much refreshing. Keep that up, Ninja Warrior UK, and we might just make a show out of you. ;)

Until then - sayonara ninja lovers!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sasuke 31: Tokyo audition

With absolutely no warning or heads-up at all, the Tokyo audition took place this morning. Well, it was morning for me, at least, I think maybe midday in Tokyo. Anyway, they could have given us a hint or something, and not just flung this at me first thing I see when I wake up. This is the kind of thing my fangirl heart can't handle.

Anyway, this means it's time for another round of what-the-fuck-is-Bing-translate-trying-to-tell-me, our favourite game!

Okay, so good auditions in Tokyo, I get that. And "Done within SASUKE Holy Green Mountain Studio", sounds like it's actually happening at the Midoriyama Studio, aka where they are shooting Sasuke. Midoriyama means Green Mountain, which I'm sure you all know and I'm also sure you're all laughing at the Americans for calling Final Stage Mt. Midoriyama. RIGHT? (Shout-out to Sweden for at least dropping the unnecessary "mount"-prefix)
Anyway, muscles gathered in Osaka? Sounds ... nice.

Wait, A COHERENT TWEET? I thought that was just a myth! Anyway, the set-up with the yellow placeholders look the same as they did in Osaka, so that's nothing new.

Okay, what? Come on, Bing, that's not even a sentence! Running it through Google Translate gives "SASUKE2015 Tokyo audition Or wonder there are any Muscles" which is only slightly more coherent. It was followed by this exchange between Inui Masato and Yamamoto Shingo which had me laughing by the end of it:

...not because it's actually funny, but because I was like ???? and then "sounds reasonable to me" appears and I'm like no it doesn't. Google says "you anyway blame variety preparation" but that doesn't make any more sense. All we can say for certain is they talked about something and apparently it made sense to Shingo. Good for him!

Wow hot air push-ups! I've never heard of one of those before, but oh well. Are the guys sitting down waiting their turn or did they simply give up? I have no idea.

Then Inui tweeted this artwork, which I'd like to name "A public reminder that you can't buy this DVD outside of Japan and will never get to enjoy it". It's a sad artwork. And, I can't help but think that this is a very random assortment of people to feature??? Maybe that's just me ...

YES I DEFINITELY WANT SOME HOT SASUKE LOVE FROM THE MUSCLE OF 79 PEOPLE. Like, I'm so here for that all day every day.

(Google translates this to exactly the same thing, so yeah, this is probably what it means. Does it mean 79 people made it to the second interviews? I don't care, I want the hot Sasuke love)

Thanks for sticking around-blah blah. Based on the time of the tweets it seems the Tokyo auditions took a lot longer than the Osaka ones?

Lastly, this tweet with a video from someone who I thiiiink just works with Sasuke somehow? That's what I'm getting from her profile. I think the tweet is telling us that the video is a 6 x original speed ... or people in Japan get freaking weird when they do push-ups. Here it is:

Aaaand that's what you missed on Twitter this morning! I have no idea what more auditions might happen, but I'll be here and Bing translate will be here, to recap it for you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sasuke all over the world

Yes Ell, there really are a lot of things on the Ninja Warrior horizon!

Sadly, Ninja Warrior Sweden finished a few weeks ago, but luckily, UK got their own version! It'll be airing this Saturday, the 11th of April. Apparently, there is a preview up at their Facebook site, but we can't watch it since we're not in the UK?? This makes us very sad. :(

Also, Ninja warrior Vietnam is happening! It'll be taping April 26 - May 6, 2015 (according to this video announcement that I found thanks to Rambling Rican, thanks!), but no idea when it'll air.

Buuuuuuut, their course looks AMAZING:

Sasuke Vietnam first stage! ©SasukeVN
You can read more about the course and different stages over at Rambling Rican.

And, of course, American Ninja Warrior returns 26th of May, and us hipsters are thinking about watching it ... Here is a nice little preview:

Of course, we want Sasuke to be ALL over the world (hmmm, maybe that's something I should fix once I'm ruler of the universe ... what do you think, Ell?), but we're just happy that other people get to participate and experience the Sasuke love!

Sayonara, ninja lovers!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Sasuke 31 Osaka audition

Soooo, the Osaka auditions for Sasuke 31 happened on Saturday, making it an actual reality that's going to happen. I can only sum up our feelings on this tumblr style, if you'll allow me:

Well, if you - for some bizarre reason - don't obsessively stalk Sasuke people on Twitter to get the latest (badly translated) news, then I am here to keep you updated.

We got some tweets from the official Sasuke_tbs account, WITH PICS. OMG. Have a look at this:

I really need to learn Japanese. I mean, this translation was at least coherent, but from the pics I kinda could've guessed what was going on anyway ...

Source: know what, Bing? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you just gave me the wrong translation. But you're not entirely wrong, because I guess we CAN see the muscle in the audition room.

If anyone who speaks Japanese reads this and can inform me what that tilted smiley face letter means, I'll be eternally grateful. And if someone wants to work fulltime as the Sasuke Hipster translator, we could probably pay you in gifs or something.

I, too, AM SUCH A FEELING AFTER SEEING THIS. I don't know what you do with those yellow bars, but after seeing this tweet from Inui Masato (the director of Sasuke) with a video, I'm gonna guess that you do push-ups while, um, staring at them. Oki, I guess they're place markers or something:


Hopefully you'll see the video when I post this, otherwise you can watch it at the source tweet. And YES, that means Mr Sasuke was there!! We're happy, because the last thing we heard was that he was banned from Sasuke forever, and that would've been sad. According to my sources (aka what I've read at the Sasukemaniac forum, I don't have any sources ... yet) he wasn't there to audition for himself though (even though Bing translate certainly makes it sound that way), just cheering on his Black Tigers team-thingy. But that's nice of him!

Okay, yeah, this tweet from two minuets later definitely makes it sound more like he was just there for moral support, and did some push-ups just for fun. You know, AS YOU DO.

We don't know who were lucky enough to be interviewed in those chairs, but let's hope they did well.

Three hours (!?) later it was over. Don't worry though, we saw some other things worth noting that was posted by Inui afterwards:

ASA!! Asa isn't on Twitter, and he doesn't seem to hang out much with those who are, so it was nice to see him. Also because I had personally become a bit worried he might've gone all domestic and decided to spend time with his girlfriend instead of doing Sasuke, but, eh, that might just be me being paranoid ...

This was followed by a long discussion with Kanno that I didn't understand at all, because as I said BING TRANSLATE LEAVES A LOT TO WISH FOR. Google Translate is slightly better, but I mean, I don't have time to run every single tweet through that, I have a life, you know (lol no I don't).

This was followed by another tweet that is impossible to stand, but I like to think that "to the muscle"  partis Inui personally addressing Kanno in this tweet. Probably not.

LUCKILY, there are more competent people than me around, and thanks to lostinube on the Sasukemaniacs board I now know that he is talking about the changes to the stages in Sasuke 31:

Makes sense! And that also means that they did NOT select my Motherfucking Cliffhanger as one of the winners for the obstacle competition. So upsetting. :( I knew I should've submitted the Ring of Fire instead ...

I guess we'll have to wait to know exactly what these changes are going to be, buuuut apparently people with better conncetions than me know for sure that the Swap Salmon Ladder is gone, but that the Backstream is staying:

Mmm, good. I mean, because the backstream is such a great measure of athletic abilities that truly captures the spirit of Sasuke and not at all because I like seeing everyone getting out of it all ... wet ...

Um, yeah, right. There are more auditions to come, and you can expect me to cover them as well. But, in the meantime, there are of course a lot of other things on the Ninja Warrior horizon ...

Friday, April 3, 2015

Ninja Warrior SE season one master post

Because I have no life, I'm compiling a post of literally everything you need to know about the first season of Ninja Warrior SE (also because I have other more important things to do, so what better procrastination is there than Sasuke-related stuff?).

Qualifying Round

The qualifying round saw 125 competitors take on the first stage and was aired as four episodes.

Course and obstacle description

Total obstacle clears and fails during the qualifying round:

Since it's been said that there were 125 competitors, that must mean 9 people were cut from the show completely.

Obstacle clears and fails during the first episode:

Contestants in the first episode:

Click for full-size
Episode one recap not available

Obstacle clears and fails during the second episode:

Contestants in the second episode:

Click for full-size
Episode two recap not available

Obstacle clears and fails during the third episode:

Contestants in the third episode:

Click for full-size
Episode three recap not available

Obstacle clears and fails during the fourth episode:

Contestants in the fourth episode:

Click for full-size
Episode four recap

Semifinal round

The semifinal round saw the 66 people who passed the qualifying round compete for 25 spots in the final round and was aired as four episodes. 

Course and obstacle description

Each episode saw five people move on to the final round: those who passed, and (if less than five passed) those who had the fastest time when reaching the Arm Rings. After all four episodes, the five people with the best time reaching the Arm Rings also moved on so that a total of 25 people would be in the final round.

Total obstacle clears and fails during the semifinal round:

Obstacle clears and fails during the fifth episode:

Contestants in the fifth episode:

Click for full-size
Finalists from the fifth episode:

Episode five recap

Obstacle clears and fails during the sixth episode:

Contestants in the sixth episode:

Click for full-size

Finalists from the sixth episode:

Obstacle clears and fails during the seventh episode:

Contestants in the seventh episode:

Click for full-size
Finalists from the seventh episode:

Obstacle clears and fails during the eighth episode:

Contestants in the eighth episode:

Click for full-size
Finalists from the eighth episode:

Final round

25 contestants were set to take on three different courses, known as stage one, stage two and stage three. Stage three is known to Sasuke viewers as final stage, or Midoriyama to American Ninja Warrior fans (except at least in Sweden it's just Midoriyama, not Mt Midoriyama).

Final round was aired as two different episodes, making the entire season ten episodes long.

The 25 contestants and their semifinal results:

Course and obstacle description stage one

Total obstacle clears and fails during the final round stage one:

Total obstacle clears and fails during the semifinal round stage two:

Obstacle clears and fails during the ninth episode:

Contestants in the ninth episode:

Click for full-size
Episode nine recap

Obstacle clears and fails during the tenth episode:

Stage 1
Stage 2
Contestants in the tenth episode:

Click for full-size
Click for full-size
Episode ten recap

Additional links:

Ninja Training with Mårten Nylén

Ninja Warrior SE facebook page

Ninja Warrior Sverige YouTube channel

I may update this post in the future if we write new posts or find new links. Until then: sayonara ninja lovers!